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Friday, July 23, 2010

Day Two - Something that Inspires You

There are SO MANY things that inspire me...how can I narrow this down? I can hear a piece of music that really inspires me to dance, sing, or just reflect on my life. I can read a book that inspires me to be a better wife, mom, teacher, or person overall. That sunset that paints the sky w/ an array of beauty or the fresh, crisp scent of spring air inspires me to thank God for the nature He has given us. That homily at Mass that inspires me to be a better Christian to my fellow brothers & sisters in Christ. Once I learned to stop comparing myself to them, I have found MANY great women in this blogging community who inspire me.

If I have to choose only one thing that inspires me, though, I'm going to go w/ my family. Casinodad, my dear, sweet husband, has been a great source of Catholic inspiration to me. He would probably tell you that I've been more his inspiration, but maybe it works both ways! We are both "Cradle Catholics," but I think a lot has been missed in the early years of our faith formation. In the past few years, we have both grown so much in our faith together. We still have a long journey ahead of us, but thankfully we think the same on most issues & are learning together.

The munchkins are also a source of inspiration for me. They see the little things that most adults miss in their busy, hectic worlds. I've learned to slow down & open my eyes to the beauty of the world around me, seeing things through their eyes. I know that sounds cliche, but it's true. Even Jesus said that we must become like the little ones. What a tough, yet GREAT lesson to learn.

Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.


Judy Dudich said...

This is so beautiful. Your family brings a smile to my heart.