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Saturday, August 21, 2010

Day Twenty-Nine - What Do I Live For?

There are so many things that I live for that this list could go on quite a while.

  • a munchkin's arms wrapped tightly around my neck, covering my cheeks w/ kisses, & telling me that he/she loves me
  • the sound of a munchkin's full, child-like laughter
  • being enveloped in Casinodad's warm embrace
  • walks on a moonlight beach, hand in hand w/ Casinodad (hopefully for our 15th anniversary in a few years!)
  • chocolate (especially Nutella!)
  • coffee
  • a house that stays clean for at least an hour
  • for this meme to continue...I've really enjoyed it!
  • peace within our house
  • to sleep for at least 7 hours straight (NO interruptions)
Ultimately there is only one thing I live for, though. When I'm reflecting on the events of the day before I retire for the evening, I need to ask myself what I've done for myself & my family to help us get to Heaven. How have I guided Casinodad & the munchkins in their faith? Did I set good examples for them? Was I truly Christ for them? After all, that's what really matters...that's what life is about, isn't it?

Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.


ViolinMama said...

Oh, this is good!!! I could have written this word for word.

I love reading these of yours. We are very much a like!!! AMEN!