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Thursday, August 12, 2010

Small Successes - Back to School Edition


Danielle Bean says, "It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that."

1) I got "Welcome Back to School" letters written for the older three munchkins. I'm going to mail them this year instead of handing them out on the first day.

2) I printed out all the narration ideas & put them in a decorated coffee can. Now, when it's time for a narration, the munchkins will pick a slip & do what's listed. (Examples besides the usual retelling & dictating to mom: "Write a review of the story including a summary & your thoughts," "Predict what you think could happen next," "How would you have done things differently?" "Write an obituary for a character," & "Build a Lego or block model.")

3) School supplies & textbooks are purchased & ready to be used. I'm thinking of starting either this coming Monday or the next. It just depends on how everyone is feeling & if I can get motivated enough to get everything ready.

Care to share your successes? Join Faith and Family Live each Thursday. No success is too small!


RealMom4Life said...

LOVE your list! I especially like number 2. What a great idea. My kids are going to love that! THANKS

Michelle said...

Looks like a good week! Not sure when we will start school, so #2 looks really good to me.

Mary said...

Way to go! A very productive week.

JJ's Mom said...

Great list! I love #2! Mine are too young for school still, but I'll have to keep it in my log of 'plans for the future'

Karen said...

Number 2 is a great idea. I could have used something like this for this summer. I always have a hard time coming up with creative writing prompts and activities for my older daughter. I bet she'd respond better to a jar filled with ideas, of course, she'd probably try to pick all the funs ones first.

Farmer's City Wife said...

#1 is so sweet. What a loving gesture of a loving mother.

Unknown said...

Fantastic week my friend!! Love #1. I wish I had thought of the same when I was homeschooling. #2 was fab as well. Really get the imagination going! Have a great weekend!!

Bondfam said...

Love the letter idea. What do you put it in?

ViolinMama said...

Oooh, I LOVE these ideas!!! Do they work for 6 and 7 year olds? Just basic sentences?

In case I miss these ideas, you should post them in the com box of my homeschool blog lol! I need these ideas! hehehe!