Wednesday, August 25, 2010
Wordless Wednesday - Monday was the First Day of School (2nd post today)
Posted by Maria at 8:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: Wordless Wednesday
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
1) I'm thankful our first few days of school have gone well. We're easing back in w/ basic "housekeeping" items - fire safety, health, journals, & reading. So far, everyone has been cooperative!
2) I'm thankful for those little moments of schooling which pop up throughout the day. Before we even started this week, we had a couple of science & music lessons. The Prophet exclaimed one evening that he hydrated his berry from his Triple Berry Toasted Oats cereal. That led to a discussion on what dehydration is. A few nights later, while I was drinking a wine cooler, we talked about the tone as you blow across top of the bottle while there are different amounts of liquid inside. Music & science in one!
3) Does pre-thankfulness count? If so, I'm thankful that Casinodad & I are going away overnight in a few days while his mom stays w/ the munchkins.
4) I'm thankful for the 30 Day Meme that I just finished. I've grown quite a lot in my writing & am looking forward to more journal writing here on my blog. (Hope you readers don't mind!)
5) I'm thankful for my wonderful mother. She just celebrated her 65th birthday this weekend. She doesn't look it at all!
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 1 comments
Monday, August 23, 2010
Day Thirty - Ways You Think You Have Grown in the Past 30 Days
I can't believe this meme is over already! The last 30 days have gone by so fast!
I think my biggest growth in the past 30 days has been in my writing skills & desire to write more. I've always liked to journal, but haven't always found the time to really devote to my personal thoughts. This meme has given me the opportunity & a reason to really put my thoughts down. Some of the questions were quite easy, while others were difficult. There have been some deep, probing questions that I probably wouldn't have thought to tackle on my own. It's also included some lighter topics, giving me some fun things to talk about.
I am sad that this is over, but I am anticipating the continuance of writing on my part. The munchkins are starting school today & they will be keeping a journal throughout the school year, writing in it a couple times a week. I have a jar of journal topics that they can choose from to get their writing creative juices flowing. I plan to write at the same time, choosing one of those topics for myself.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 7:46 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Day Twenty-Nine - What Do I Live For?
There are so many things that I live for that this list could go on quite a while.
- a munchkin's arms wrapped tightly around my neck, covering my cheeks w/ kisses, & telling me that he/she loves me
- the sound of a munchkin's full, child-like laughter
- being enveloped in Casinodad's warm embrace
- walks on a moonlight beach, hand in hand w/ Casinodad (hopefully for our 15th anniversary in a few years!)
- chocolate (especially Nutella!)
- coffee
- a house that stays clean for at least an hour
- for this meme to continue...I've really enjoyed it!
- peace within our house
- to sleep for at least 7 hours straight (NO interruptions)
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:07 PM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Faith
Friday, August 20, 2010
Day Twenty-Eight - What is Your Definition of Happiness (Part Two)
There have been many moments throughout my life when I have been happy:
- when I received my open-holed flute w/ a gold-plated mouthpiece for my 18th birthday
- when I bought my first car (mostly on my own, but w/ a little of Dad's help)
- when I was accepted into my first choice of colleges, then later for one of the study abroad programs
- when Casinodad proposed to me (you can read the story HERE)
- when I found I was pregnant w/ each of the four munchkins, then later when each was born
- when The Prophet was a Mass server for the first time
I think true happiness, though, is found in the little things...realizing that not everything has to be grandiose to make me happy.
- seeing the munchkins' faces light up when they finally grasp that math concept
- watching how The Saint intently observes the ants on our kitchen floor w/ no fear or his recognition of Jesus on my necklace, at church, in our living room, anywhere
- the freedom The Princess has to flutter & flit around the room, singing to her heart's content about the love of God
- the smile I get from The Archangel when we bake something together
- the proud expression The Prophet wears on his face when he comes to me w/ a new Lego creation
- Casinodad's expression of joy to be home w/ us at the end of a long day.
- the excitement on Christmas morning as the munchkins discover their new treasures
- four munchkins wet, dirty, & happy from playing in the spring rain
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 9:36 PM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Happiness, music
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Day Twenty-Eight - What is Your Definition of Happiness (2nd post today)
Happiness is eluding me at the moment, so I'm having a lot of trouble answering this question. I'm going to take a break for a day & hopefully have something to post on Friday.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme
Small Successes
1) Despite (or perhaps because of) all of us being sick over the past week w/strep throat, sinus, ear, & eye infections, I managed to clean the kitchen. I made up a new batch of beach cleaner, washed the counters, table, & stove w/ soap & water, then cleaned w/ the bleach spray. I also wiped down all the door handles around the house. An added's mostly stayed clean since Sunday!
2) I got the most of the munchkins' school work ready for their first day of school (hopefully this coming Monday...we didn't make it this week due to illnesses).
3) Despite all the stress we've been under lately, I HAVE NOT taken it out on Casinodad. This is a biggie in my book, as he normally (& I'm NOT proud of this) gets the brunt of my frustrations.
Have you any successes to share? Check out Faith & Family Live every Thursday, when Danielle Bean hosts Small Successes.
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 9 comments
Labels: Casinodad, cleaning, Homeschooling, Small Successes
Wednesday, August 18, 2010
Day Twenty-Seven - Your Definition of the Meaning of Life (2nd post today)
Before I go into my definition of the meaning of life, I found some great quotes to share w/ you.
"When I stand before God at the end of my life, I would hope that I would not have a single bit of talent left, and could say, 'I used everything you gave me.'" ~Erma Bombeck
"He who has a why to live can bear almost any how." ~Friedrich Nietzsche
"To succeed in life, you need three things: a wishbone, a backbone and a funnybone." ~Reba McEntire
"God asks no man whether he will accept life. That is not the choice. You must take it. The only question is how." ~Henry Ward Beecher
Now, what do I think? I believe that each one of us has been placed here in earth to fulfill some great task for God. He keeps us here until that task is completed. We don't know exactly what we are supposed to do, but once it is complete is when I believe He calls us home to Heaven. The Bible & the Church are here to help us along that journey. By following the guidelines, trying to lead a good life, & asking for forgiveness when we mess up, we take steps closer to fulfilling that task. The path isn't always easy...He never promised it would be. But as long as we remain open to Him & ask for His help along the way, completion is possible.
Does that answer the question? Probably not! I don't think it's possible to find the answer until we meet God face to face. In the meantime, I'm trying to live my live according to God's Will. I try to find the lesson in each trial He sets before me. I try to be a good wife, mother, daughter, sister, & friend. I try to be the best version of myself that I can possibly be (taken from several of Matthew Kelly's books). Sometimes all of that is extremely difficult, but the thought of spending Eternity w/ my Lord in Heaven makes it all worth it!
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Catholicism, Faith
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
Judy is taking a break this week because they're getting back into school mode, but I thought I'd still list my thanks for the week. It's not been a good week, so I need to find the good in it.
1) I'm thankful that we are finally on the mend from all the infections.
2) I'm thankful for the slightly cooler temps the last two days. We actually opened the house up for most of yesterday.
3) I'm thankful for chocolate & Seagram's wine coolers...great stress relievers at the end of a tough day!
4) I'm thankful for my receptionist job at the nursing center. I get to recharge my batteries for home while meeting some wonderful residents & visitors there.
5) I'm thankful for Casinodad, who has been very loving & supportive through all our trials lately.
Posted by Maria at 8:43 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Day Twenty-Six - Your Definition of Love

Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Faith, Love
Monday, August 16, 2010
Day Twenty-Five - Something You Would Do if No One Stopped You or If You Knew You Wouldn't Fail
1) Stop ALL attacks against the sanctity of life (from conception to natural death)
2) Write a book
3) Deep clean our house from top to bottom & go on a super de-cluttering spree!
4) Provide the voice over for a princess in a Disney movie, including the singing
5) Take a Mediterranean or Alaskan cruise...better yet, I'll do both!
Yeah, I know it's kind of a varied list of things & in no particular order. I just brain-stormed these ideas & listed them as they came to me.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Books, cleaning, Pro-Life
Sunday, August 15, 2010
Day Twenty-Four - Something You Did as a Child That Other People Remember You For
Getting lost in Sears - We were just talking about this last weekend. When I was about 3 years old, I was w/ my mom at Sears. One minute I was standing right next to her, the next she was gone (or as she would tell you...I was gone!) I still remember wandering around a few aisles to find her. Finally I ended up at the register & told the lady that "My Mommy is lost!" I proceeded to tell her my name, my mom's name, & our address & phone number. She paged my mom & we were quickly reunited. Sears has never been a favored store of mine. Perhaps this experience has something to do w/ it...LOL!
Passing out at the eye doctor - Yes, you read that right...I passed out while sitting in the eye doctor's chair. I was in 8th grade & so excited to try contacts. After my exam, he put a trial pair of gas permeable ones in my eyes & told me not to look up. Well, what do you think I did? Of course I just HAD to look up. Those contacts tickled my eyelids. All of a sudden I felt queasy & the next thing I know, the doctor & his receptionist are giving me a cup of water & a cool, wet cloth! Needless to say, I didn't get contacts that year! I even remember what I was wearing that day...white shorts w/ bright, multi-colored squiggles & a sleeveless yellow knit sweater (remember those ones what were popular in the 80's?)
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games, memories
Saturday, August 14, 2010
Day Twenty-Three - Most Awkward 1st Impression You Feel You've Ever Given
I can't think of one particular instance where my first impression was awkward. I've found, though, that the awkward moments for me are the ones when I get caught off guard. This frequently happens at work where I may be in the middle of filing or filling out paperwork & someone comes up to ask a question. Because I am focused on my task, my mind has trouble shifting to the answer quickly enough & I just stumble on my words. I'm sure people walk away from me wondering what kind of blundering fool they've employed as a receptionist!
I first noticed this when I started working in the fitting room at Target a few years ago, after being a SAHM for several years. I had to relearn the art of carrying on a conversation w/ adults after being home w/ the munchkins all day. Thankfully most people understood & shared a laugh w/ me when I explained this to them!
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 2:19 PM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games
Friday, August 13, 2010
Day Twenty-Two - Someone You Would Give Up Your Life For Without Question
This is a no-brainer for me...or is it? Obviously, the first people to come to mind are Casinodad & the munchkins. They mean the world to me. I remember one of my first time mother worries, when The Prophet was a baby. I was still working part-time at AAA. On my drive to work one morning, I crossed over a railroad track. Out of nowhere, I started worrying about what would happen if the car got stuck on the track & a train was coming. Even scarier, I wondered what would happen if I couldn't get his car seat buckle unlatched in time. Would I save myself & get out of the car or would I stay there w/ my baby? I knew deep down that there was no way I'd be able to live w/ myself if I got out of the way. I would sacrifice my life w/ my baby.
As I've been thinking about this topic, I'm reminded of a conversation in the cafeteria during my college years. A group of us were sitting around the table for one of our meals & the topic of abortion came up. One of my friends was asking whether or not we'd have an abortion in various scenarios. This was before I had fully realized the ramifications & horrific details of an abortion, but I still knew that it was wrong. So, my answer for each one was that I definitely wouldn't have one. He asked about a pregnancy after being raped. Would I still have the baby then? Immediately I said yes. Even if I didn't want to keep the baby, I would give him/her up for adoption. Why should that child be punished for something I had no control over? The final scenario was if it came down to being my life or the baby's, would I abort to save myself. I said, "No, not even then. I've lived my life. Why should I deny the baby a life just to save mine?" Years later, I read about St. Gianna Beretta Molla & immediately felt a kinship w/ her. What a beautiful story of a mother's sacrifice!
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, munchkin stuff, Pro-Life, The Prophet
Thursday, August 12, 2010
Day Twenty-One - Your Favorite Medium of Art (2nd post for today)
Music, hands down! For as long as I can remember, music has been a part of my life. Growing up, we always had a piano in the house & I started lessons in second grade (although I quit & later picked them up again in high school). I can remember going to church w/ my grandparents in 2nd or 3rd grade. Their contemporary music ensemble had a flutist & I knew from the first moment I heard her play that I wanted to play the flute too. I never even glanced at the other instruments when the music representative came to our school in 5th grade. I continued playing flute through high school & even majored in music in college.
I don't have one particular style of music that is my favorite, although there are some that should never have come into existence! There is such a wide variety out there, something to fit every mood I may have. I love Classical, showtunes & soundtracks, Christmas, country, contemporary Christian, kids' songs (Veggie Tales & Backyardigans) & much more. I love Josh Groban, Carrie Underwood, Casting Crowns, Harry Connick, Jr., Chicago, & more.
As I said in an earlier post for this meme when asked about music I'd take if on a deserted island, music is always w/ me. At any time, you could ask me what song is going through my head & probably 98% of the time, I'd have one to mention. Sometimes they're good songs that I love. Other times it may be some ridiculously, obnoxious song that just got stuck there & needs to be pushed out!
Do you have a favorite medium of art? Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 3 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games, music
Small Successes - Back to School Edition
1) I got "Welcome Back to School" letters written for the older three munchkins. I'm going to mail them this year instead of handing them out on the first day.
2) I printed out all the narration ideas & put them in a decorated coffee can. Now, when it's time for a narration, the munchkins will pick a slip & do what's listed. (Examples besides the usual retelling & dictating to mom: "Write a review of the story including a summary & your thoughts," "Predict what you think could happen next," "How would you have done things differently?" "Write an obituary for a character," & "Build a Lego or block model.")
3) School supplies & textbooks are purchased & ready to be used. I'm thinking of starting either this coming Monday or the next. It just depends on how everyone is feeling & if I can get motivated enough to get everything ready.
Care to share your successes? Join Faith and Family Live each Thursday. No success is too small!
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 9 comments
Labels: Faith and Family Live, Homeschooling, Small Successes
Wednesday, August 11, 2010
Day Twenty - A Band that You Immediately Liked and the Song That Made You Like Them (2nd Post Today)
I would have to go w/ Casting Crowns on this one. I've listened to our local Christian radio station for years now, so I know I've heard many of their songs, but it wasn't until last year though that I really took notice of them. Their song Slow Fade came out & the more I listened to the words of the song, the more I loved the lesson that comes across for all of us. It's really made me think about a lot of the things I've read, watched, or listened to. (BTW - This song was played in the movie Fireproof, too...a GREAT movie! Check it out if you haven't seen it yet!)
"Slow Fade" by Casting Crowns
Be careful little eyes what you see
It's the second glance that ties your hands as darkness pulls the strings
Be careful little feet where you go
For it's the little feet behind you that are sure to follow
It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
It's a slow fade, it's a slow fade
Be careful little ears what you hear
When flattery leads to compromise, the end is always near
Be careful little lips what you say
For empty words and promises lead broken hearts astray
It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
The journey from your mind to your hands
Is shorter than you're thinking
Be careful if you think you stand
You just might be sinking
It's a slow fade when you give yourself away
It's a slow fade when black and white have turned to gray
Thoughts invade, choices are made, a price will be paid
When you give yourself away
People never crumble in a day
Daddies never crumble in a day
Families never crumble in a day
Oh be careful little eyes what see
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
For the Father up above is looking down in love
Oh be careful little eyes what you see
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, music
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
1) I'm thankful for the four days we spent this past week visiting w/ family from out of town. My aunt & uncle we usually see once a year, but we haven't seen my cousins in years. We had a great time catching up & all the little cousins had a blast playing together (despite a few of them having strep throat).
2) Speaking of strep...I'm thankful that we caught it quickly enough for The Archangel. We called the doctor as soon as he got a sore throat & fever. Knowing that he'd been exposed to it this past weekend, our doctor skipped the culture test & went straight for the antibiotics...a good thing, because The Archangel would have had a fit!
3) I'm thankful the weather on Friday was great for our trip to the Ohio State Fair. It was warm (mid-upper 80's) but low humidity. My nephew was singing in the All Ohio State Fair Youth Choir & they all did an awesome job! The munchkins had so much fun on the rides, too!
4) I'm thankful The Prophet & The Princess are looking forward to the start of school in another week or two. (I'm still working on getting The Archangel excited.) The past school year didn't end well, so we're all hoping for a great new start! I've already written their "Beginning of the School Year" letters, which I'm going to mail this year instead of just handing them to the munchkins.
5) I'm thankful for the great 30 Day Meme that my dear friend, Angela, posted on her blog, Pretty in Orange. I've really enjoyed it & it has really gotten me back into journal writing. I'm thinking about continuing after the 30 days is up. There are many journal idea websites, so I could pick a topic each day & just write. The munchkins did some for school last year & it was a great writing exercise.
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 2 comments
Labels: family, Fun and Games, health, munchkin stuff, Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Day Nineteen - A Passage from a Book That Has Touched You
Now here is a really tough one...asking someone who LOVES to read to pick ONE passage from ONE book that has touched her! There are so many I could choose, I could create a blog just for book passages!
I went to the bookshelf in the living room where we keep all of our Catholic books (Bibles, Saint books, devotionals, etc.). I grabbed Thank God Ahead of Time: The Life and Spirituality of Solanus Casey by Michael H. Crosby, O.F.M. CAP. This was one of my review books for The Catholic Company & you can read my review HERE.
"To those who don't understand, no explanation is sufficient and to those who do understand, no explanation is necessary....Life is to live and life is to give and talents to use for good if you choose. Do not pray for easy lives, pray to be stronger. Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers, pray for powers equal to your tasks. Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle but you shall be a miracle. Every day you shall wonder at yourself, at the richness of life which has come to you by the grace of God."
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Books
Monday, August 9, 2010
Day Eighteen - A Picture That Makes You Feel
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Pro-Life
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Day Seventeen - Something I Want to be Remembered For
My answer to this question is something I struggle with, especially lately. Many years from now, I WANT my munchkins to remember that I was a kind yet firm, loving mother. The struggle for me lies in the fact that I have always had a very short temper. Between this summer's heat & humidity, not getting enough sleep, & other issues, it's been worse. I get angry very easily & tend to yell at the munchkins much more than I should be. Little things seem to bother me much more than they should. I've found that the days that are better are usually the days that I've spent more time in prayer. The munchkins notice a difference in my demeanor on those days. So, I know it's possible to turn things long as I have faith, lean on Him, & ask for His help EVERY DAY!
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Faith, Fun and Games
Saturday, August 7, 2010
Day Sixteen - Something I Want to Do in the Next Five Years
WOW! Halfway through already! What a great meme this has been!
Today's topic is "Something I Want to Do in the Next Five Years." This is an easy one for me right now because my answer has been on my mind a lot lately. There are actually two things:
1) I want to take a vacation somewhere beachy w/ Casinodad. Ideally a trip to somewhere in the Caribbean would be nice. I've never been a big beach person, but I've felt the pull lately. We've started talking about it & are hoping that our 15th anniversary in three years will be a great time to go.
2) I'd like to move out of the suburbs & into the country. When we first moved into our house, we planned to be here about five years. Next month will be our 9th year here. We've loved our house & have been blessed w/ good neighbors, but the area is going downhill. I really would like a nice acre or so of land when the munchkins would have plenty of space to run around & explore.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games, vacations
Friday, August 6, 2010
Day Fifteen - A Moment, Phrase, or Song That Changed Your Life the Most
The day I met Casinodad? The day he proposed to me? The day we got married? The days when we got the positive on the pregnancy tests? The days when each of our children were born? Yes, each one of those days changed my life in so many ways...none more important than the others, just in different ways.
I think the one moment that really changed my life the most happened a couple of years ago. I am a Cradle Catholic. If you're not familiar w/ that term, it means one who was born & raised into the Catholic Faith. I'm also the daughter of a deacon. My dad was ordained when I was eleven years old. I went through our church's CCD program even after I was confirmed, had my First Reconciliation & First Communion in 2nd grade, was confirmed in 8th grade, & was a member of the contemporary music ensemble (singing & playing flute) from 7th grade until right before we had our 1st munchkin. I even continued going to Mass throughout college...a time when many Catholic young adults stop going & leave the church for a while. I give you all this background so you can get an understanding of where my moment came from.
Several years ago, I went through a big bump in my faith. I start questioning my beliefs, wondering if there really was someone "up there" listening to my prayers. I didn't want to leave the Catholic Church, but I had so many doubts & questions. I wasn't sure how to verbalize them & the more research I did online & in books, the more confused I became. I'm sure Casinodad got tired of hearing my litany of complaints & issues, but I didn't know who else to talk to. You're probably wondering why I didn't go to my dad since he was a deacon. Truthfully, I didn't feel like I could. I felt like he was too close to the situation.
My mom suggested I talk to a mutual friend of ours. She too had been through a similar situation & Mom thought she might have some insight or advice. So, we started getting together for an occasional lunch. We would talk about the walks we were taking in our faith & I opened up a great deal about all my doubts & questions.
One afternoon, she said something that really opened my eyes to my situation. I had never "chosen" the Catholic Church. When she told me that, it seemed like everything clicked. I'd always gone to church, even most Sundays through college when other young adults slip away. I went to church as a child because it was what we did as a family. I continued CCD through high school even though it wasn't required after Confirmation because I didn't want to disappoint my parents. I had done everything because I was supposed to do it according to my parents & teachers. I never had that time in my life when I said, "Yes, I CHOOSE to be a Catholic. I CHOOSE to accept the Faith I've been taught. I CHOOSE because God is calling me, not because someone else says that I have to." My parents & teachers did what they were supposed to do, but I had never acted on the free will God had given me. Once I made the CHOICE, I felt like a huge weight was lifted off my shoulders.
Does that mean that I'm now the perfect Catholic? No. Does that mean that I don't need God's forgiveness for my sins? No. Does that mean that I understand everything & all my questions were answered? No. I'm FAR, FAR from perfect (as my family will gladly attest!) I still make mistakes in my walk of faith (they'll attest to that too!) I still have times of doubt & questioning, but I know that God is always there for me & won't leave me. Do you remember the poem, "Footprints"? The last part of it says, "The Lord replied, 'My son, My precious child, I love you and would never leave you. During your times of trial and suffering, when you see only one set of footprints, it was then that I carried you." So comforting!
He never said the road would be smooth & easy, but I have made the CHOICE to walk w/ Him & will call on Him when I need His help. I think that's why the song Never Alone by Barlow Girl means so much to me. It came out around the time of my doubts & was so comforting to me.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Catholicism, Faith
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Day 14 - Best Mashup You've Ever Heard (2nd post today)
I'm not sure if this is a mashup, but I think it is. It is the Punjabi Wedding Song from the movie Bride & Prejudice (which you must see if you haven't yet...see my review HERE). From what I found, it is a combination of Indian wedding songs. ENJOY!
Yes, that IS Sayid from Lost!
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games, music
Small Successes
2) After I spackled around the new door, I drilled holes & hung up our new curtains. They're a few inches off the kitchen floor, but w/ four munchkins & the kitchen table right near the door, I don't think that will be a problem!
3) I took our camera to our family reunion on Sunday AND took a lot of really good photos! This is a success because I usually forget that we have the camera until the last minute.
Have you had any successes this week that you'd like to share? Stop by Faith & Family Live.
Posted by Maria at 8:05 AM 9 comments
Labels: Faith and Family Live, family, repairs, Small Successes
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Day 13 - A Memory that Never Fails to Make You Laugh (2nd post today)
1) This is several memories in one: Growing up, there were MANY evenings my mom, sister, & I could be found in uncontrollable giggles. What usually set us off was some insignificant comment one of us might have made. One of us would start to giggle, then another, then all three of us would be laughing so hard we'd be crying. My dad would usually just walk out of the room shaking his head. The first time Casinodad witnessed this phenomenon, he didn't know what to think. Thankfully we were already married, otherwise he might have thought twice about staying w/ me!
2) A couple years ago, the six of us had gone to Taco Bell for lunch. On the way out, The Archangel was walking ahead, but turned back toward us talking. All of a sudden he ran right into the window next to the door...a full body run-in like you'd see in a comedy show. He bounced right back w/ this dazed look on his face, then bust out laughing. After making sure he was okay, we all joined in the laughter. He still brings up that time whenever we go into that Taco Bell.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games, laughter, The Archangel
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
1) I'm thankful for great weather & fun times are our family reunion on Sunday.
2) I'm thankful my friend Angela started the 30 Days of Insight Meme on her blog, Pretty in Orange. While there are some fun questions & topics, there are many that have made me think & reflect on my life. It's never too late to join in, so let me know it you try it. I'd love to read your insights.
3) I'm thankful for my Small Church Community. Many years ago, our former parish started the small groups for sharing. On average, we meet in a member's home twice a month to pray, read, & reflect. We named ourselves The HOPE Group (for the four things we do: Help, Outreach, Pray, Eat). In the 11 years I've been a part of this wonderful group, we've been through births & deaths, weddings & separations, illnesses & recoveries, laughter & tears. Even though only one of the group still attends our original parish, we have stuck together. One of the great things w/ our group is our diversity in ages & backgrounds. That diversity has made for some great conversations & for me, being the youngest, I've learned a lot from the other members.
4) As a continuation of #3, I'm thankful for the redirection our group is taking. In addition to studying the upcoming Sunday's readings, we usually have a book that we read together & share our thoughts. In a recent gathering, we decided to change & not concentrate so much on the fluffy stuff (not that the touchy-feely books are bad, we just want more focus on our faith). I recently did a review for The Catholic Company on the book Those Who Saw Her: Apparitions of Mary by Catherine O'Dell. I let our group leader borrow the book & even though she hadn't finished it yet, it got her thinking. We all decided to make this next year our "Marian Year." We are all very excited about this new direction for our group.
5) I'm thankful for my dear husband. God has truly blessed me w/ a great man. He is strong in his faith, a wonderful father, & a very supportive husband.
Click the link at the beginning of this post if you'd like to join Judy in the weekly meme of thanksgiving.
Posted by Maria at 8:21 AM 3 comments
Labels: Books, Casinodad, family, prayer, Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
Tuesday, August 3, 2010
Book Giveaway!
Judy, owner of the Homeschool Faith and Family Life website, is hosting a great book giveaway. Enter to win a copy of Lisa Hendey's new book, The Handbook for Catholic Moms. I've not read it yet, but it's gotten GREAT reviews & I look forward to reading it soon. Head on over now to enter. While you're there, check out all that Judy has to offer on her site. There's so much great information!
Posted by Maria at 4:31 PM 0 comments
Day 12 - Your Favorite Musical Artist's Life Story
I'm modifying this topic a bit. Although I've always loved music (& even studied music ed in college) & have some favorite musicians, I don't really have a life story of one to share. If you follow my blog, you'll know that I was on an autobiography kick recently. I read numerous great ones, but the one I found most intriguing was The Glass Castle by Jeannette Walls. So, instead of a musical artist's life story, I'm going to share the review I did a couple months ago about this book.
I didn't know who Jeannette Walls was, but her story sounded intriguing...a child of nomadic parents who had some strange ideals on life & raising children. Her father considered himself an inventor of sorts & was always looking for that big gold strike. Her mother was an artist, who preferred painting over cooking meals & was an "excitement addict." Despite the drunken episodes w/ her father, the lack of parenting skills causing the children to fend for themselves, & the constant moving to avoid the law, tax collectors, etc. (usually in the middle of the night), she & her siblings found ways to make it on their own. Her father was a smart man, & even when the children were not in school, they learned a lot just by living & exploring the world around them.
She has gone on to become a journalist & contributor to Many people would consider her childhood years full of abuse & neglect. She didn't see it that way, though. Through her vivid descriptions of life w/ her parents, you can tell that she felt loved by them & loved them greatly in return.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 1 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Books
Monday, August 2, 2010
Day Eleven - A Favorite Photo of Myself
This is my favorite photo of myself, taken when I was about two years old. I am so thankful we finally got out new printer/scanner. Otherwise, this post wouldn't have a photo posted!
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 4 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games
Sunday, August 1, 2010
Day Ten - Describe a Dream from This Past Week in Detail (2nd post today)
I don't feel like I'm able to sleep in long enough stretches for dreaming. Those I do have are gone the second I wake up because I wake up so quickly! There are two ways I could approach today's entry:
1) Angela suggested that I ask Casinodad or the munchkins about one of their dreams. Casinodad can't think of any either & the munchkins are asleep, so how about if I tell you about a dream I remember from my childhood?
I think I was in the second or third grade when I had this dream. I was home sick w/ the flu & one of the things I remember most about being sick we the heavy, aching, sinking feeling of my body into my bed. I don't think I've felt that sick since then.
One of those nights, I had a dream that I was lying in my bed. I looked down towards my feet & saw my dad running over the covers. He was only a few inches tall. He was being chased (by what or who? I don't know), but I just remember him running all over the covers. I do remember waking up to more of that sinking feeling, so apparently this was a fever induced dream.
2) It doesn't say anything about being asleep for the dream, so I can also tell you about a personal dream that's been on my mind lately. We've been facing a lot of behavioral issues lately. Casinodad & I are struggling to find the right discipline patterns because some of these issues are not w/in the munchkins' control (due insomnia, anxiety, Tourette Syndrome, & ADHD). It's tough to find the right balance between knowing what is truly a lack of disrespect & which is from the uncontrollable side. So, right now I dream (& PRAY) of finding peace, respect, & balance w/in our family again.
Want to join in this 30 Day Meme? You can get the complete list of daily topics HERE. Be sure to leave me a comment so I can read yours.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 0 comments
Labels: 30 Day Meme, Fun and Games, munchkin stuff
Catholic Company Book Review - "A Heart Like His"
The images of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & the Immaculate Heart of Mary have been a part of my life for as long as I can remember. In my parents' home, they have two oval shaped portraits at the top of their stairs & they've been there since I was a child. Every time I walked up to my room, those portraits were there to greet me. I also had a 5x7 prayer card with the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus that I kept on my dresser mirror. I have since framed the card in an antique metal frame and it sits among our family photos on our living room shelf. Last year, when I submitted a request for a "Patron Saint of the Year" for our family, St. Margaret Mary Alacoque (from whom the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus started) chose us.
So, when I saw A Heart Like His by Fr. Thomas D. Williams in the list of items available from The Catholic Company, I had no hesitation in making it my next review book.
A Heart Like His is a daily devotional laid out to be used during the month of June (the month of The Sacred Heart of Jesus)...although you can use the book at any time during the year if you'd like. There are 32 devotionals, one for each day of the month and one each for the Feasts of The Sacred Heart of Jesus and The Immaculate Heart of Mary. These short devotionals (about six pages) cover the many parts of Jesus' heart - His Merciful Heart, His Patient Heart, His Radical Heart, etc. Throughout each devotion are 2-3 reflection questions that help you compare your heart and life to Jesus. Each day ends with a prayer, asking Jesus to help you make your heart more like His.
There are three appendices at the back that include a brief history of the Devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the Promises of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, & a brief description of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.
I am so pleased with my selection of this book. The devotions are written in an easily understandable manner, yet are complex enough to give me much to ponder in my own heart. In reading about the many facets of Jesus' heart, I've come to know Him better. By knowing Him better and following His example, I can become a person with A Heart Like His, setting my sights on the peace and joy He wants to share with me in Heaven. This is definitely a book I intend to return to each year.
Posted by Maria at 6:54 AM 0 comments
Labels: book reviews, Jesus, The Catholic Company Review