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Friday, January 21, 2011

Catholic Company Book Review - Travelers Along the Way

Each of us is on a journey through life & along the way, we meet many people who have a profound effect on us. Fr. Benedict Groeschel, C.F.R., has written a book to introduce his readers to 34 of the many people from his life. In Travelers Along the Way we recognize some of those people right away (Cardinal Avery Dulles, Mother Teresa, Fr. Richard Neuhaus, & Mother Angelica), but he also includes others unknown to most of us.

In narrowing the number of people he chose, he decided to not write about the obvious...his relatives & numerous religious figures. He wrote of people from all walks of life: Catholics, Protestants, & Jewish, men & women, young & old, rich & poor. He didn't write full biographies of the people he mentions. This book is more like a memoir, showing how each person had an effect on his life. He did include a list of books towards the end for further reading.

At the beginning of each chapter, I had no idea what to expect. Some of his experiences were tragic (Chapter 8: Gary). Some were humorous. I found myself smiling throughout most of Chapter Five: Fr. Innocent Ferstler. Others gave me a different perspective on various issues (Chapter 13: A Trio of Glimpses).

This was a GREAT book...very easy & quick to read, yet full of Fr. Groeschel's wonderful stories & experiences. As I read, I started to think of those people who have influenced my life in some way or another. Someday, I would love to write my own memoir of "travelers" in my life.

I have only two complaints after reading this book, both of which require additions to my ever-growing list of books I long to read & finding the time to read them! The first is that I want to read more about many of those people he mentioned. (Thankfully, there is that list at the end of the book!) The second is astonishment on my part...why have I never read anything by Fr. Groeschel before?!?! If this book is anything like his others, I can't wait to read more!

This review was written as part of the Catholic book reviewer program from The Catholic Company. Visit The Catholic Company to find more information on Travelers Along the Way. They are also a great source for First Communion & baptism gifts, as well as many other items.