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Thursday, May 24, 2012

Small Successes

Still hosted by Sherry of Chocolate for Your Brain, Small Successes can now be found at CatholicMom.com.
Here's the link. (But please don't forget about Sherry...she's an AWESOME writer w/ an incredible sense of humor & always has something great to read on her blog!)

Recognizing the small things we accomplish each week helps us realize that even when it doesn't seem like it, we are getting things done!

1) I cleaned out our turn-style cabinet in the kitchen which holds all our plastic storage containers & cups.

2) After spackling the holes & dents, I painted one of the walls in our kitchen...half w/ chalkboard paint & the bottom 2 1/2 feet w/ a green paint that matches the rest of the kitchen. I've been wanting to do this for a while.

3) I said yes to the boys when they asked if they could have Monday off school if they cleaned the basement. Yet another benefit of homeschooling, plus I'm planning on year-round schooling. That way we can talk more frequent breaks w/out the worry & stress of missing school. And the munchkins won't have to spend a month relearning what they've forgotten over the summer!