Boy was that a storm last night!
Around 7:30pm, we noticed the darkening of the sky. I knew there was a chance of storms, so I decided to check to see what was heading our way. The radar showed a nice, long storm system moving across the state of Ohio, right along I-70. It was just reaching the west side of Columbus & stretched all the way to the OH/IN border. We were in for quite a storm!
The Prophet happened to notice a spider outside our kitchen window moving quickly & acting differently. I saw another in our patio door, also acting peculiar. After watching for a few minutes, I realized it was rapidly taking its web down, as the wind was picking up. I looked at the other & it was doing the same thing. These two spiders were using their spider sense & intuition to protect their homes from the approaching storm.
The munchkins had already eaten their bedtime snack, brushed their teeth, & were settling down for reading time. They are not terrified by storms, but they did want me to sit near them instead of doing household stuff. I stopped what I was doing & joined them in the living room. Why not have a reading time for all of us?
...Because the power went out!
Not five minutes after I'd sat down, there was a bright flash of lightning, a crash of thunder, the power flickered, then out it went.
We didn't want to light candles due to the heat & wanted to keep the flashlights until we really needed them, but thankfully there was still light outside. Also, The Princess has a battery operated light up angel that gives off a good bit of light, so we also used that...until The Saint confiscated it for himself, running around w/ this "lightsaber angel." (Yes, he is all boy & a Star Wars fan, esp. Star Wars weapons!)
So, what did we do to pass the time while the power was out?
Because the lightning was so incredible, The Princess & I went upstairs to watch from the boys' bedroom window. Huge bolts of lightning streaked through the sky constantly. It was a magnificent light show while the thunder rumbled non-stop, sometimes loud enough that the house shuttered.
When we came back downstairs, all of us gathered around the kitchen table, holding hands to say our bedtime prayers. We changed them slightly to allow everyone a chance to offer their own intentions. The munchkins really liked this change & had some wonderful, heartfelt prayer requests.
The Prophet & I enjoyed a nice mother & son chat afterwards. He had some questions regarding some words he'd (very unfortunately) heard from neighborhood kids. We talked about some of their meanings (not all because he's WAY TOO young to know their definitions) & why they should not be repeated or used in any context.
The Archangel just wandered around the house. He did play The Prophet's DS game system for a bit, but not for long. He was very tired, but knew he couldn't sleep w/ the storm raging outside. All the while, The Saint continued waving the angel around...perhaps this was his was of keeping us protected!
The spiders returned & began to weave new webs around 9:30, so we knew the storm was dying down. Not knowing how long the power would be out, we decided to make up beds on the living room floor for the munchkins. I opened up & spread two outdoor sleeping bags on the floor, the outer side up because it's cooler than the flannel side.
The munchkins were still a bit wound up, so I started singing to them...Be Not Afraid & Like a Shepherd. The Saint just didn't want to sleep, so I figured I'd just take him up to sleep in our bed. As I was preparing to go up, the power returned (about 10pm). I've never seen the munchkins move so fast to get upstairs to bed, each one thanking Jesus all the way up the stairs! Within 15 minutes all but one were asleep...& he soon followed!
The lightning had changed by this time. It was now behind the bolts, just beautiful flashes silhouetting the clouds. As I stood in the boys' bedroom window watching this gorgeous display of light, I couldn't help but think of how wonderful our God is. Through this storm that had just passed, he brought much needed rain to water the earth, a lesson in survival through watching the spiders, & a show of light that was much better than any TV show or video game! He gave us a chance to enjoy each other's company w/out any distractions...and there was no bickering! The power was only out for about two hours, but I could easily have handled much longer...esp. if it meant more time w/ my dear family in such a peaceful way.
Saturday, July 30, 2011
What the Storm Brought Last Night
Posted by Maria at 2:07 PM 0 comments
Friday, July 29, 2011
Where I'm From
Dear Judy, my wonderful blogging friend, posted this fun blog activity. Following the outline for a poem by George Ella Lyons (find the template HERE), you create your own "Where I'm From" poem. Let me know if you give this a try...I'd love to read about where you're from!
Where I’m From
I am from soaps and cleaners,
From Tone and Palmolive, from Snuggle and Pledge
I am from the home on a hill –
Sledding in winter and avoiding the creek…mostly,
Biking barefoot in summer…foot caught in spokes…lesson learned,
Somersault races in spring and fall…grass in hair and stains on clothes.
I am from the mint for our tea,
Green beans snapped on warm summer nights…more eaten than stored,
A pine tree, given in third grade, now twice as tall as me 30 years later.
I am from holiday decorations and nearsightedness,
From HandyGramps and HelpfulGrammy
From (last names removed for anonymity)
I am from the teller of jokes and eyes in the back of her head,
From “Be nice to your sister!” and “I love you!”
I am from the crucifix and the rosary, weapons of my Faith –
Comfort for sorrows, healing for pain
Joy of salvation, Heaven’s eternal promise.
I’m from Ohio, yet a melting pot…a mutt of the world:
Five eighths Italian, then German, Irish, & much more
From rigatoni & ravioli, to pizzelles and biscotti,
Add a bit of sauerkraut and potatoes, stuffed peppers and zucchini.
From the brandied cherries, accidently given to Dad at age two,
Two parents who played as kids, not dating until after high school,
And from first time desert driving…in the rain!
I am from frames hung around the family room,
albums on shelves, scrapbooks of memories,
reflections of the times gone past…
Gone but not forgotten.
Posted by Maria at 11:44 AM 0 comments
Labels: Fun and Games, memes
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Small Successes
Sherry at her blog, Chocolate for Your Brain, hosts Small Successes each Thursday. Check it out to see others' successes & share your own. Recognizing the small things we accomplish each week helps us realize that even when it doesn't seem like it, we are getting things done!
1) I said, "Yes," when the boys asked if two of their cousins could spend the night last night. They've been asking All. Summer. Long. but the timing has never been right.
2) We received the computer from Connections Academy last week. We bought an inexpensive computer desk for it & I got it all set up on Monday in the school (w/ The Archangel's eagerness in helping...he's SO excited to start next month). I also got most of the schoolroom organized, including a place for all the munchkins' textbooks & supplies.
3) I forced myself to do a few tasks that I don't like to do...some weeding of the garden (mostly around the veggies that have managed to survive the heat) & scrubbing part of the shower. Both were not completed (& at this rate, may never be completed!), but I saw the need & just did it. The Princess helped some w/ the garden & we talked about the Gospel from a couple weeks ago when the man sowed his seeds & his enemy later planted weeds so that the wheat & weeds grew together. She is so like a sponge when it comes to discussing faith!
BONUS: I didn't catch this a couple of weeks ago, but I've hit the 100 mark on posting my "Small Successes." I LOVE this meme each week!
Posted by Maria at 7:33 AM 2 comments
Labels: Small Successes
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
My dear blogging friend, Judy, over at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings, hosts this meme every Wednesday. Simply list five things (or a prayer or any thoughts) for which you are truly thankful this week. Voicing my thanks helps put my life in perspective & realize that, no matter how bad things might be, there is still MUCH good surrounding me.
1) I'm thankful for sweet hugs & kisses from the munchkins. Even The Prophet, at age 10 1/2, still loves to give them. One night, he specifically asked for a hug because the one I gave him the night before "felt so comfortable" to him.
2) I'm thankful for the helpfulness The Saint exhibits. He'll come up to me & say, "I help, Mommy-uh?" (I'm not sure why he puts the "uh" at the end of Mommy. He does it w/ Daddy too!)
3) I'm thankful for the faith The Princess continues to share. Last night, during reading time, she was going through the leftover pages in her PSR book. She cut out all the pictures of saints & this morning, pasted them on construction paper to make a collage.
4) I'm thankful for thrift stores. I found another one the other day near where I work & it just so happened that everything was 50% off that day. I bought 6 pairs of pants & 3 long sleeve t-shirts for The Saint, one pair of pants for The Prophet, & a small bag of melon flavored gummy rings for all of us. Grand total w/ tax: $9.50! (BTW - The gummy candies were a brand new package, not resale! LOL!)
5) I'm thankful I was able to get set up in our new time clock system at work, even though I forgot to go in last week. When I remembered, I thought I was too late & was afraid I wouldn't get paid, but thankfully everything worked out.
Posted by Maria at 10:00 AM 2 comments
Monday, July 25, 2011
The Simple Woman's Daybook
I am thankful...that the rain slowed down enough for me to drive home from work safely last night.
From the learning last continent to study this week - Africa; math skills practice; getting the school room organized
From the kitchen...I'm thinking something w/ zucchini tonight since I picked one from our garden the other day
I am wearing...a black cotton short-sleeved top, a long denim skirt, & barefeet
I am creating...(continuing to create) a home of peace & simplicity - clean & uncluttered!
I am continue working through the 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. Primary focus for me this week (deviated a bit from the ebook) is to get the school room organized.
I am reading...The Curious Adventures of the Abandoned Toys by Julian Fellowes (reading aloud to the munchkins), Amelia Lost: The Life and Disappearance of Amelia Earhart by Candace Fleming, Catherine of Siena by Sigrid Undset, & The Imitation of Christ.
I am hoping...relief from this heat wave.
I am hearing...the crackle of The Saint's mylar birthday balloon (it's lost its air, but the munchkins love squishing it)
Around the house...I'm still working through 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. I love the reflections & tasks in this ebook.
One of my favorite things...listening to The Saint as he repeats the prayers he is learning
A few plans for the rest of the week...setting up physical therapy for my back, more cleaning & organizing, schoolwork, library, & "Mom Therapy" on Fri.
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...This was taken for our church directory when I was about four years old. It's one of my favorites because it's one of the few times I liked my hair as a child. This was one of the photos I put on my parents' anniversary collage.

Posted by Maria at 8:34 AM 0 comments
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
Sunday, July 24, 2011
The Catholic Company Book Review - Wholly Mary - Mother of God by Chris Padgett
2) That night, at my prayer group gathering, one of my friends mentioned that she heard Chris Padgett speak on Catholic radio on the way to our gathering.
3) When I got home that night, Casinodad asked me to look up online a book he'd just heard about. When I found it, Wholly Mary - Mother of God was also listed. It turns out he was listening to the same radio program as my friend.
In Chapter 5: Trailblazer for Heroic Spirituality, I really loved how he related Mary to foreshadowings in the Old Testament. For example (without giving all of them away):
"Mary is the great women of old, such as Judith and Esther, defeating the enemy through strength and intercession." (pg. 46)
Chapters 8 & 9 are dedicated to praying the rosary. He briefly describes the four mysteries & gives insights/suggestions for praying the rosary as a family. I found his descriptions of his own family's rosary time very comforting...not all kids will be completely on board! There will be arguments, there will be distractions, but the important thing is to keep at it. It takes time to adjust to the practice of praying the rosary together. By trying out Mr. Padgett's tips, you will eventually find a rhythm that suits your family.
Mary is present in all aspects of our prayer, at Mass, in secular society, etc. All we need to do is call on her prayers & intercession. She points the way to her Son, Jesus.
Posted by Maria at 8:20 PM 0 comments
Labels: book reviews, The Catholic Company Review
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Small Successes
Sherry at her blog, Chocolate for Your Brain, hosts Small Successes each Thursday. Check it out to see others' successes & share your own. Recognizing the small things we accomplish each week helps us realize that even when it doesn't seem like it, we are getting things done!
1) I recovered our kitchen chairs. About 2 years ago, I got tired of the spotted, faded, stained cushions on the chairs, so I purchased a couple waterproof, fabric shower curtains from the dollar store. They worked great & were easy to clean. Thankfully, I only needed part of one package & had plenty left over to recover them again. A little Murphy's Oil Soap to clean up the chairs & they are almost looking new!
2) The kitchen is still clean & de-cluttered from the deep cleaning!
3) We finally started doing some of the schoolwork I'd been promising the munchkins we'd do this summer. I kept putting it off, but finally decided to push through & just do it! I even found some fun Harry Potter educational activities for The Prophet since he's been reading the books lately (Harry Potter math problems, journal ideas, etc.)
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 4 comments
Labels: Small Successes
Wednesday, July 20, 2011
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
My dear blogging friend, Judy, over at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings, hosts this meme every Wednesday. Simply list five things (or a prayer or any thoughts) for which you are truly thankful this week. Voicing my thanks helps put my life in perspective & realize that, no matter how bad things might be, there is still MUCH good surrounding me.
1) I'm thankful The Saint is FINALLY sleeping in the boys' room in the toddler bed we bought about six months ago! Until just a few days ago, he refused to even sit on it.
2) I'm thankful the other three munchkins were able to talk him into it. He's sleeping better & is happier throughout the day because his sleep isn't disturbed as much. (I think he & The Princess kept bumping into each other throughout the night & it would wake him up.)
3) I'm thankful that I am becoming unattached to stuff! It is amazing how much less stress I feel in a clean, de-cluttered room. There is definitely a connection to outer stuff & inner peace.
In the process of cleaning & de-cluttering our home, I've been ruthless in purging stuff we no longer need or use. Some I've pitched, as it was not worthy to even pass on to others. Some I've boxed up to donate. Some stuff has been re-purposed. The kitchen is completely done & this week, I've been working on the living room (which isn't too bad) & the front room, getting it ready for school.
4) I'm thankful for The Archangel's excitement to begin school! We've been through so much in the last couple years, adjusting to his ADHD & aggression issues. While things are still not completely under control, it is GREAT to hear him say that he's going to like Connections Academy & that he can't wait to start! (After much prayer & discussion, we decided an online school might be a good fit for him. The other two will still be doing mostly Catholic Heritage Curricula, w/ some other stuff thrown in.)
5) I'm thankful for the wit & wisdom of Bill Cosby! The Prophet wanted to watch something yesterday afternoon & chose our DVD set of the complete first season of The Cosby Show. What better way to beat the heat than laughing through the antics of the Huxtable family!
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 4 comments
Sunday, July 17, 2011
The Simple Woman's Daybook
I am thankful...for the help I've had from the munchkins & Casinodad in cleaning the kitchen.
From the learning rooms...taking a book trip to Europe & Africa to finish up our continent study from this past school year - STILL; going to start refreshing our math skills this week, too
From the kitchen...Casinodad's sister & BIL came for dinner. I made chicken stir-fry, fried rice, & coconut crusted shrimp (I actually just opened the box for those & fried them!)
I am wearing...white T-shirt & pink shorts w/ white flowers (my jammies)
I am creating...a home of peace & simplicity - clean & uncluttered!
I am continue working through the 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. Today I started on the living room.
I am reading...The Silent Governess by Julie Klassen, Wholly Mary by Chris Padgett, & The Imitation of Christ.
I am hoping...relief from this heat wave.
I am hearing...the hum of the refrigerator & air conditioner.
Around the house...I'm still working through 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. I love the reflections & tasks in this ebook.
One of my favorite things...time spent w/ family.
A few plans for the rest of the week...more cleaning, schoolwork, prayer group Wed. evening, library & "Mom Therapy" on Thurs., & just trying to stay cool (heat advisories are already up for tomorrow - high of 92 w/ heat index around 100)
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...This is my kitchen on Sunday afternoon, after spending about 2 1/2 weeks on the 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. The kitchen was to take only eight days, but I took my time & cleaned out everything! I even have extra space in a few cabinets right now!
Posted by Maria at 9:38 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook