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Wednesday, June 16, 2010

A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings

Judy over at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings, hosts this meme every Wednesday. Simply list five things (or a prayer or any thoughts) for which you are truly thankful this week. Voicing my thanks helps put my life in perspective & realize that, no matter how bad things might be, there is still MUCH good surrounding me.

1) I'm thankful for the reconnections I've made w/ high school & college friends. Just yesterday, I was chatting live w/ a dear friend I went to Hungary w/ in college. We were roommates & had some great adventures!

2) I'm thankful The Princess & The Saint are feeling much better now. It was only 3 days of fevers & sore throats, but it's tough when there isn't anything you can do as a parent to take away their pain.

3) I'm thankful for rain showers w/out thunder. See THIS POST from Monday of the munchkins enjoying the rain shower w/ their friends.

4) I'm thankful for fun times w/ good friends.

5) I'm thankful for libraries, which save us so much money on books, DVDs, CDs, etc. Our local one was recently named 2010 Library of the Year. What a great, well-deserved honor!


Sweetums5 said...

Great list of blessings! Glad to hear your 2 little ones are better. Those pictures of your kids playing in the rain are just adorable! Sure to give them wonderful memories of their childhood.

My family, too, thanks God for libraries. I don't think we could do without one, we love books so much! [ And get them overdue, too, unfortunately. =( ] And time with friends is really such a blessing. Thanks for sharing!

Judy Dudich said...

Thank you for this wonderful list munchesmom! I'm with you on libraries! Great treasures there!
So sorry to hear that your sweeties were ill...but thankful they are on the upswing now:)

Ruth said...

I'm thankful, too, of the most of the things you have on your list! Your blessed to have the best library near you. I'm a little ambitious here, trying to build a community library for the children in our community. It's a young project but I'm excited of its possibility.

Good health and more blessings to your family!