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Thursday, June 25, 2009

Small Successes


Recognizing my Small Successes can give me a BIG lift in spirits. Here's what I did this past week:

1) I finally joined Facebook, at the urgings of several friends. So far, I'm doing well to not be addicted to it.

2) Yesterday, the Munchkins & I took flowers & visited a friend who had surgery on Tuesday.

3) This is more The Saint's success, but definitely worth mentioning - we went to a different parish for Mass on Sunday & I didn't have to take him to the cryroom until just before Communion. He was very good & even when he did start making noise, it was just because he wanted to talk!

Share your successes & see others at Faith & Family Live.


ViolinMama said...

GREAT list!!! I love #3...what an accomplishment! I'm thrilled it made for a great mass.

Always so nice to hear from you and read your updates. Have a FABULOUS week!

Kelly said...

You are doing VERY well indeed to not get addicted to Facebook. My friend also got me on there. I was really into it at first and a bunch of my family and friends are on now as well. It's nice to be able to stay in the loop with everyone, but my enthusiasm has definitely dwindled. I only check it once a week now.

Thank you for sharing your successes. God bless!

Anne said...

Yes!! Fight the Facebook addiction. It's hard, but I like Facebook if I can keep it in balance :)