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Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Archangel Ponderings

Most nights, before the munchkins go to bed & after we've said our family prayers, I will read a bedtime story. The book I'm currently using is Uncle Arthur's Bedtime Stories Volume One (published in 1950). I've had the first five volumes of these stories since I was a little girl. They are nice, wholesome stories about children just like ours. Sure, some of the topics are a bit outdated, but that just makes for some good discussions & reflections afterwards.

The other night, I read the story God's Great Kingdom Part 1: How Big it Is. The Prophet enjoyed it because it tied in w/ some of our science about our solar system. I also had to make a side note to the munchkins. In this story, the young boy asked Mamma if anyone had every flown off the world & gone to the moon. Mamma said no because there is little air to breath & that it would take "an airplane traveling at three hundred miles an hour more than a month to get there." She also mentioned that an airplane, traveling at the same rate would take more than 50 years to get to the sun. (As I said, this was from 1950!)

Once I was finished reading, the munchkins came up with some wonderful discussion questions & for once it was not an attempt to stall their bedtime. The Archangel especially had some good questions/comments -

Him: I wish Jesus was still alive so He could come to my party.
Me: But He is alive & was there in the hearts of everyone who was there.
Him: We must be like a tiny spot in God's hands.
Me: Yes, but He can see all.
Him: Does God talk?
Me: Yes.
Him: But, if we were in Heaven, we wouldn't be able to hear Him because we are so small.
Me: We'd still be able to hear Him. He speaks to us all the time, we just need to listen. And, we don't always hear w/ our ears, we hear w/ our...
Him: ...hearts!


Bondfam said...

Awww! Too precious!