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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Small Successes


Once again, I'm joining Danielle Bean & the many wonderful ladies at Faith & Family Live in celebration of our Small Successes throughout the past week. Here are mine:

1) Went to Walmart w/ all four munchkins today & found the perfect material for a baby wrap I want to make. I got 7 yards at $1 per yard & the pattern is nice & simple - navy, green & cream stripes.

2) Before I made lunch, I made tonight's dessert - peanut butter chocolate bars. I'll post the recipe soon if they're any good!

3) I spent a few hours of Mommy / Archangel time on Monday & had a great time (see previous post!)

Check out www.faithandfamilylive.com for more.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on your small successes this week!

