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Thursday, January 5, 2012

Small Successes

Sherry, at Chocolate for Your Brain, hosts Small Successes each Thursday. Check it out to see others' successes & share your own. Recognizing the small things we accomplish each week helps us realize that even when it doesn't seem like it, we are getting things done!

1) We all stayed well through Christmas & New Year, not getting colds until New Year's Day!

2) Ran a bunch of errands yesterday w/ all four munchkins & had a good time...only a few bouts of misbehaving (the munchkins, not me!)

3) Got back to waking earlier for my daily readings & devotions...I got off track over break & boy has it made a BIG difference to be doing it again!

Last Week's Goal...Enjoy Mass & family gatherings for Christmas! (Accomplished!)

This Week's Goal...Take down Christmas decorations & get organized to start back to school on Monday.


Kristen @ St Monica's Bridge said...

Sounds like a great week! Especially #3.

JJ's Mom said...

A very successful week indeed! We didn't have the same luck with illnesses (my 3 year old vomited in between opening presents on Christmas morning and my 18 month old...well let's just say his diapers have been really messy for 10 days now!) #3 is huge! I've been trying - but my kiddos are such early risers that it makes it nearly impossible! :) Good luck with clearing out the Christmas decorations!

Pattie said...

Glad I found you through the new site Erika started. Look forward to following. Cute blog!

Sahmatwork said...

Great work! I too, have to get to those Christmas decorations....but I just love the atmosphere they bring!