Sherry at her blog, Chocolate for Your Brain, hosts Small Successes each Thursday. Check it out to see others' successes & share your own. Recognizing the small things we accomplish each week helps us realize that even when it doesn't seem like it, we are getting things done!
1) I created & laminated our Family Mission Statement, suggested for Day 1 of 31 Days to Clean - Having a Martha House the Mary Way. This statement expresses the reasons I want our home to be a haven & why I want it to be clean. What do you think? I put Peaceful & Loving in the center & made them the largest because those are the two traits that I most desire for our home. The quotes emphasize that desire: "A house is made of walls and beams; a home is made of love and dreams." (unknown) and "He is the happiest, be he king or peasant, who finds peace in his home." (Goethe)
2) Also from the above mentioned e-book, I cleaned out the fridge & freezer. Not only did I toss outdated food, I took all the drawers & shelves, scrubbed them down, washed down the inside walls, & cleaned the front. Now, if only we could keep it this clean!
3) I got a lot of yard work done last Friday...helped The Prophet mow, used the weed whacker to get rid of the jungle of weeds around the house, rake said weeds & bagged them.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Small Successes
Posted by Maria at 7:30 AM 2 comments
Labels: Small Successes
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings

1) I'm thankful for the unexpected invitation from HelpfulGrammy this morning. She called to invite us over for lunch, along w/ my sister & her boys. We enjoyed a delightful afternoon on her deck, sipping cranberry apple iced tea, watching all the cousins play, & sharing our lives together.
2) I'm thankful for all of dear readers & online friends. It is so wonderful to share our lives together even if some of us have never met. Thank you for your online friendships & inspiration!
3) I'm thankful HelpfulGrammy volunteered to watch the munchkins for a couple hours on Friday so that Casinodad & I could go out to dinner for our anniversary. We went to Red Lobster & ate a deliciously filling meal! Then, after the munchkins were in bed, we relaxed & watched Unknown w/ Liam Neeson (a GREAT movie!)
4) I'm thankful for the three hour nap Casinodad let me "steal" on Sunday after church. I'd had a very tiring weekend & hadn't been sleeping well. So, as soon as we got home from church, I changed out of my church clothes & crawled into bed while he took care of the munchkins & their lunch.
5) I'm thankful that the Ohio House & Senate approved the Heartbeat bill, which puts the strictest restrictions on abortion in the nation. This is a huge step in the fight against abortion, but the battle is not over. Please keep praying & fighting for those who have no voice, yet still deserve the chance to live!
Posted by Maria at 7:41 PM 2 comments
Monday, June 27, 2011
Solicitors Beware!
BEWARE the plastic machine gun!
Posted by Maria at 12:55 PM 0 comments
Sunday, June 26, 2011
The Simple Woman's Daybook
I am thankful...for chocolate!
From the learning rooms...taking a book trip to Europe & Africa to finish up our continent study from this past school year
From the kitchen...cleaned up after our dinner: pot roast & potatoes w/ Tastefully Simple's Greek Rub, buttered carrots, salad, fresh berries, & bread
I am capris & a light blue Patriotic T-shirt w/ sparkly butterflies
I am creating...two projects: a couple of photo collages & Chore Service Agent badges for the munchkins (hoping this will help them focus on helping out more in a fun way)
I am take it easy this week, we went somewhere everyday last week & I need a break!
I am reading...Hungry Souls by Gerard J.M. Van Den Aardweg, Wholly Mary by Chris Padgett (my newest review for The Catholic Company), & The Imitation of Christ. (Yep, I know that's four books!)
I am hoping...for peace & much less bickering in our house.
I am hearing...the munchkins enjoying a GameCube game; The Saint & The Princess giggling while Casinodad is attempting to change The Saint's diaper
Around the a LOT of weeding & lawn work done over the weekend
One of my favorite things...Coconut Twix bars (just found them at the store the other day & they are VERY good)
A few plans for the rest of the week...follow-up appt. w/ the psychiatrist for The Archangel's meds; cleaning; "Mom Therapy" if all kids are well; starting some summertime school work
Here is picture for thought I am sharing...The Princess & HelpfulGrammy at the airport, waiting for our first flight. This is after The Princess had a bottle of juice & a HUGE chocolate-chocolate chip muffin from Starbucks. Between the sugar high & the excitement, she was definitely full of energy!
Posted by Maria at 7:22 PM 0 comments
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings
My dear blogging friend, Judy, over at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings, hosts this meme every Wednesday. Simply list five things (or a prayer or any thoughts) for which you are truly thankful this week. Voicing my thanks helps put my life in perspective & realize that, no matter how bad things might be, there is still MUCH good surrounding me.
1) I'm thankful for a GREAT trip to San Diego for my cousin's wedding. It was four days full of fun...rehearsal dinner, wedding, reception, & brunch, as well as a trip to the beach & lots of other fun site-seeing.
2) I'm thankful Casinodad was okay w/ The Princess & me going to the wedding & that he had a good time w/ the boys here at home.
3) I'm thankful we made all our flight connections & had safe travels on all flights (although the first one was quite loud w/ a bunch of almost drunken guys going to a bachelor party in Vegas & four business men in the rows behind us who talked the whole flight. Seriously, I knew women can talk a lot, but four men talking NONSTOP for 4 1/2 hours!)
4) I'm thankful for all the new experiences The Princess had on our trip...flying in an airplane, going to the beach, etc. The joy on her face just warmed my heart.
5) I'm thankful for all the faith I witnessed in all those who were a part of the wedding. My cousin & his new wife are so grounded in their faith & it spreads through all those around them.
Posted by Maria at 10:27 AM 3 comments
Monday, June 20, 2011
The Simple Woman's Daybook
I am thinking...of the great time I had in San Diego this past week.
I am thankful...for Casinodad & our years together. Today is our 13th anniversary!
From the learning rooms...nuttin' at the moment. We're taking a week to regroup then will start on some lighter lessons next week to keep our skills fresh over the summer.
From the kitchen...cleaned up after our "breakfast-for-dinner" of pancakes.
I am wearing...lavender capri PJ's w/ purple flowers
I am creating...(or will be creating soon) a couple of photo collages.
I am going...somewhere everyday this week!
I am reading...Stories for the Homeschool Heart by Patti Maguier ARmstrong & Theresa A. Thomas, Hungry Souls by Gerard J.M. Van Den Aardweg, Wholly Mary by Chris Padgett (my newest review for The Catholic Company), & The Imitation of Christ. (Yep, I know that's four books!)
I am hoping...for peace & much less bickering in our house.
I am hearing...the hum of the fridge & Casinodad's footsteps upstairs as he tucks The Prophet into bed.
Around the house...hoping to get the basement cleaned this week
One of my favorite things...The Princess enjoying the beach for the first time.
A few plans for the rest of the week..."Mom Therapy" tomorrow; another back treatment on Wed. (this time we're checking to see if it is the SI joint); a dentist appt. for me; dinner & a movie Fri. to celebrate our anniversary
Here is picture (or 3!) for thought I am sharing...
Posted by Maria at 9:30 PM 3 comments
Labels: The Simple Woman's Daybook