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Monday, January 18, 2010

More for This Mother's Pride

Yesterday was truly a blessed day for our family. The Prophet was an altar server for the first time. A couple years ago, he helped my dad (a deacon at his parish) with the Stations of the Cross because Dad wasn't able to find any servers for that night. The Prophet really liked helping & couldn't wait until he could be a full-fledged server. We attended that parish at the time & there, students have to be in the fifth grade before they're able to serve. At our new parish, they can start in the second half of their third grade year. The Prophet was very excited to start. There hasn't been an official training session for new servers yet, so we just showed up early for our parish's deacon to run through the duties with him.

He did so well. I could tell he was a little nervous, but the other two servers were very supportive & helped him along. My parents & Casinodad's parents were there to support him, too. I had tears in my eyes when I saw him processing in, carrying one of the candles. He looked so grown up & pious. I had tears in my eyes several other times, too. I asked my dad if it was normal for a mother to cry when her son serves the first time & he (ever the jokester) said only if he messes up! We wanted to get a picture of him after Mass in his server robe w/ Monsignor & our deacon, but he de-robed before we had a chance.

On another note of pride in my children...the other three were very well-behaved in Mass yesterday, especially The Saint. This was the first Sunday since he was an infant, that we've been able to stay in the church through the whole Mass. Now, all of our munchkins are usually pretty good during Mass, but yesterday was the best they've been in a long time. I think they understood how special the occasion of their brother's first serving was (plus the fact that their grandparents were there!)