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Friday, May 16, 2008

More of a Bargain

Went to the other consignment shop today & what a great trip it was! First of all, we dropped off our items. It was going to be about two hours so we ran a few errands. When we got back, I decided to look around the store first for the items I wanted to purchase. After about 45 minutes & some excellent behavior on the munchkins' parts, I took them up front. They offered $46.50 for the items they wanted. Wow! That was much more than I expected. The 14 items I wanted to purchase (2 pairs of shorts for The Princess, 2 T-shirts for The Archangel, 2 pairs of shorts & a T-shirt for The Prophet, & 7 outfist for Baby #4, including a Christmas outfit for him) came to $34 - I got money back!!! On the way out, the munchkins saw a video that we used to get at the library. It is no longer there so I told them I'd buy it for them, since they were so good (& it was only $2).

I think it helped that one of our items was a Classic Winnie the Pooh crib bedding set. The other shop didn't take bedding unless it was a specific brand. Why, you're asking, did we sell a crib bedding set when we have another baby on the way? Well, this time around, we don't have the space to set up the full size crib. We have decided that Baby #4 will use a travel size crib that my parents have. It will fit perfectly in the second closet we have in our bedroom. Yes, we're putting him in a closet, but we're taking the doors off & I will be putting up wall decorations for him. Once he's a bit older, we'll get bunk beds for the two older boys & move the baby to their room or move all the boys to the master bedroom & we'd take the next largest room. We put a lot of thought into this & really feel this is the best we can do at this time. With the housing market the way it is, there's no way we'd be able to sell the house at the moment.

Peace, munchesmom