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Friday, June 29, 2007

Halfway Through, Already?!?!

As we come to the end of June, I'm just realizing that 2007 is halfway over. Is it just me or has this year flown by quickly? I look at the munchkins each day & wonder where the time has gone. Oftentimes, they seem to sprout overnight!

June has been a month of anniversaries for our family. Within the span of one week, we celebrated three anniversaries: DH & me on the 20th, my sister & her DH on the 21st & our parents on the 25th. Sister & her DH are currently celebrating their 10th anniversary in the Caribbean. Each year, the six of us go out for dinner at the local Japanese restaurant. Because of all our busy schedules, we won't be going until July this year, but it's definitely worth the wait. I'm looking forward to a glass of plum wine, scallops & their excellent sauces! My mouth is watering just thinking about it.

Speaking of June anniversaries - many of us have heard why most people marry in June & why brides carry a bouquet. Urban legend has it that in the 1500s, people only bathed once a year in May & were still smelling pretty good in June. The brides carried a bouquet to cover up any beginning "scents." Well, according to www.snopes.com, it is just that - an urban legend. They did have ways of bathing more than once a year, just not a full, relaxing soak in the tub like we can enjoy nowadays. It was too time consuming to fill a tub & keep it heated. Just a little tidbit of info for you!
