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Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Deo Gratias

"If the only prayer you ever say in your life is thank you, it will be enough." - Meister Eckhart

Colleen, from her inspiring blog Thoughts on Grace, hosts this wonderful meme each Wednesday. She says, "Deo Gratias is Latin for Thanks be to God. Remembering to give thanks for all of our blessings, big & small, helps us to find God in our everyday moments and gives us an attitude of gratitude!"

Each week, I join Colleen in remembering & sharing the many blessings in my life. This is such a great exercise for me, helping me to focus on the good that truly is happening in my life, no matter how many trials & stresses I may have.
1) New Life...my sister made the official announcement yesterday that they are expected boy #6. Deo Gratias!

2) Great books...I've found a new (to me) author (Dan Walsh) in the past few months & have really enjoyed his books. The most recent one even brought me to tears. Deo Gratias!

3) Our US Veterans...today we celebrate & thank them for all their great sacrifices & dedication to our country. Deo Gratias!

4) Decluttering...I love the feeling of getting rid of stuff we don't need anymore & donating to thrift stores for the benefit of those less fortunate. Deo Gratias!

5) Appreciated meals...the past few nights, my dinners have been welcomed & enjoyed by the whole family...Crockpot beef roast, pulled BBQ pork, & lasagna. Deo Gratias!