Unless otherwise specified, all writing here on my blog is my own original work. If you refer to something I've written here, please be sure to give me proper credit.

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Thursday, April 10, 2008

Words from The Archangel

COMMENT #1: Last weekend, my mother-in-law watched the two little munchkins for us. I had to work while Casinodad & The Prophet were on a clothing drive run w/ our Small Church Community. When I got home from work, the house was cleaned up, the munchkins' rooms were straightened up, the laundry was running, The Princess was reading on the couch, & MIL was playing GeoTrax w/ The Archangel. I was pleasantly surprised & told her that she didn't have to do all of that while she was there. I even said that most of that stuff was on my list of things to do that weekend. The Archangel spoke up & said, "Your can erase your list now, Mommy!"

COMMENT #2: The other day, The Archangel was eating snack at the kitchen table. He paused to take a drink of my water, saying, "I need the water to wash my mouth down."