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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Small Successes


Danielle Bean says, "It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that."

1) I cleared out our hanging files, something I try to do every January. I recycle/shred all the stuff we don't need anymore & put the rest in file boxes to store away. It's amazing how fast paper can pile up, isn't it?

2) I baked some super easy muffins. You only need 2 ingredients. Mix one box Devil's Food cake mix w/ 15 oz. of pureed pumpkin (canned or fresh). Bake at 350 degrees for 20 minutes. Eat as is or top w/ cream cheese frosting. I know it sounds like a strange combination, but they are delicious! (My mom also made them, but she used a spice cake mix. She said it was good.)

3) I registered for our parish's upcoming study of Jeff Cavins' A Quick Journey through the Bible. I'm really looking forward to this 8-week series.

BONUS: I actually got this post & my Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings post done up ahead of time (Monday afternoon) & scheduled to post on their days.

Please hop on over the Faith and Family Live to share your successes & see how others are doing w/ theirs.


Monica said...

I have a friend who teaches the Jeff Cavins Bible study and have heard good things. ENJOY!

(and yes, paper accumulates wayyy too quickly...what I wouldn't give for all those records to be electronic)

Karen said...

I need to do #1 from your list and those muffins sound yummy to me. I'm going have to give that recipe a try.

Kansas Mom said...

Those muffins sound great. I have some mixes and I have some pumpkin so I may have to give them a try!

majellamom said...

My bible study group is just finishing up a Quick Journey Through the Bible...it is awesome, but overwhelming at times. So much information! I think we are going to do the full Great Aventure 24 session study soon...we can't wait to learn more!

I may have to get a cake mix soon, those muffins sound yummy!

JJ's Mom said...

I'll have to try the muffin recipe. We made Malt-o-Meal muffins this morning! Delish! And let's not even talk about the amount of paper and filing that needs to be done at our house...