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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings

My dear blogging friend, Judy, over at A Thankful Woman's Book of Blessings, hosts this meme every Wednesday. Simply list five things (or a prayer or any thoughts) for which you are truly thankful this week. Voicing my thanks helps put my life in perspective & realize that, no matter how bad things might be, there is still MUCH good surrounding me.

This is the "I Love My Mom!" edition!

1) I'm thankful that my mom will go out of her way for others. My neighbor's car broke down & because she is single w/ four girls, that was one of the worst things that could happen to her right now. My mom, out of the kindness of her heart, offered my neighbor the use of her car for the week...and they'd never met each other before Monday.

2) I'm thankful my mom was home last Thursday when I REALLY needed to talk to her. It was a super-tough morning w/ The Archangel & his aggression, so I called my mom to vent & cry. Thanks for listening, Mom!

3) I'm thankful for the time my mom gave me on Monday. She was already set up to watch the munchkins yesterday & after the meltdown I had last Thursday, she offered to give me some money for lunch & a few hours to myself.

4) I'm thankful my mom enjoyed her time w/ the munchkins on Monday & that they were very well-behaved for her. They practically begged her to teach them how to sew & she patiently helped them sew some buttons on pieces of felt. She even helped The Prophet make a person out of one of his socks.

5) I'm thankful for the purse my mom gave me. Last summer she bought me a really nice, hand-stitched leather one. Over time (& probably due to the fact that I carry WAY too much in my purse), the straps are starting to come loose. When I took her home Monday (because she left her car w/ my neighbor), she offered me the purse she was currently carrying because she had another she wanted to use.

So there you have it...five things about my mom for which I am thankful, although this list could go on & on. My mom is a wonderfully, beautiful person inside & out. I am so thankful that she's my mom!

(On a side note to my dad: Don't feel left out...you're next!)


Angela said...

Awwww, your mom is wonderful!! :D

purethoughts said...

wow, what an amazing mom you have. you sure are blessed to have her! by the way, it's my first time to join Judy's blog.. it's very nice to meet you all here.

Judy Dudich said...

This made me cry...(in a good way)...partly because I can relate to the generous, wonderful heart of your mother...as my own mother has given so much of herself to me over the years...and partly because, AS a mother...I know how much I want to help my married daughter when she needs uplifting or a helping hand...I want to know your beautiful Mom and have lunch with her!!! ::SMILE::
Thanks for joining me and sharing your mom with us!
(I hope your next week goes better for your dear son)