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Thursday, November 4, 2010

Small Successes


Danielle Bean says, "It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that."

1) I cleaned parts of the basement. No, not the toys...the cobwebs from most of the ceiling & the dust/lint around the washer & dryer. It's amazing what a big difference just those things can make!

2) I made a GREAT main dish for dinner Tuesday night...pasta! It's so versatile that everyone in the family was satisfied. The older boys ate buttered noodles, Casinodad had alfredo sauce w/ imitation crabmeat & asparagus in it, & The Princess & I had the same but w/ sauteed onions added (just like you see them do on the cooking shows...Mmmm! The kitchen smelled so good!) The Saint had the same, but mostly ate the crab & asparagus.

3) I learned some lessons from an Adam Sandler movie!!! I wrote up a review & my reflections about the movie 50 First Dates HERE. Warning: If you haven't seen the movie, my review does contain numerous spoilers.


Kristen @ St Monica's Bridge said...

I enjoyed 50 First Dates too. Although I can't watch it too often...makes me cry! My mouth is watering from your dinner description!

Judy Dudich said...

Yay for you!
That dinner sounds DELISH!!!!!!

Maria said...

Thanks ladies! Although, I probably should have mentioned that dinner is not usually that nice around here. In fact, last night was {{GASP}}...Hamburger Helper!

JJ's Mom said...

Dinner sounds fabulous to me! Then again, we had leftover chicken strips and cantelope here last night... You're an inspiration!

Nicole Stallworth said...

I am so glad to hear you liked 50 First Dates so much! It's got some really cringeworthy moments, so I sometimes feel embarrassed to recommend it. But the story arc and ultimate resolution are unbelievable. Talk about commitment; talk about self-giving love.

And I love that you included it as a success. You have some great ones this week! Well done!