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Thursday, April 1, 2010

Small Successes

"It’s important for moms to recognize that all the small successes in our days can add up to one big triumph. So on Thursday of each week, we do exactly that."

1) Casinodad & I went on a date Sunday afternoon. Our nephew played Laurie, the lead male in his school's production of Little Women the Musical. He did such a great job! We are very proud of him.

2) We are getting a new computer this week, so I've spent the past few days cleaning up photos & other files on our old one, deciding what to keep & what to trash. Wow! There was so much stuff on there that hasn't been touched in years! (Our old computer is seven years old!)

3) Went shoe shopping yesterday. I bought two pairs of tennis shoes, one pair of dress shoes, one pair of casual shoes...and none of them were for me!

Your turn...Share your successes & see others at Faith and Family Live.


Judy Dudich said...

WOW! That date sound FANTASTIC!
I got really excited at the start of that shoe sale...until I read the end of it:((( Poor poor but WONDERFUL mumma who gave all the shoes to her kids!!!!!!!! XO XO
BUT!!!!!!! She's getting a new computer, WOO HOO!!!!!!