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Friday, October 9, 2009

Quirky Ole Me

I've had the idea for this post rumbling around in my head for a while, trying to think of all the funny little quirks I have. So, here are some that I came up with.

1) I cannot visualize the faces of the characters in the books I read. No matter how well the author describes a character, the faces are just a blur to me. I can see their hair, clothes, settings, etc. - just not the faces. Sometimes, if the book has been made into a movie, I can see the actors' face, but even that doesn't happen all the time. Case in point - I just finished the Twilight series but none of the images in my head fit the ones from the movie.

2) When I eat my cereal, I take a few bites of the cereal & milk together. Then I drink down all but a little bit of the milk before I finish eating. The only reason I could come up w/ for this was that I don't want the cereal to get soggy.

3) I think I'm allergic to thinking hard! Go ahead...laugh, but it's true! Almost every time I put myself deep in thought or prayer, my nose gets all congested & I start a sneezing fit. I first discovered this about 10 years ago when I was taking a mail correspondence course in writing. Whenever I had to concentrate & focus, it would happen.

4) The open end of my pillowcase must always face towards the outer edge of the bed.

I'm sure I have more & will post them once I think of them. Do you know of any quirks I have or are you a quirky person too? Leave me a comment & let me know!


The Sassy Orange said...

Good Lord, there will never be enough room for me to list all of my quirks. Probably one of my favorites is that I cannot throw away fortunes from fortune cookies.

Judy Dudich said...

Well...it seems we are a bit of kindred spirits! I am the EXACT same on numbers ONE and TWO...NO KIDDING!
AND I am the exact opposite (but the same in a way) on the pillows...except mine MUST face in toward each other!!! What a fun idea for a post! Thanks for sharing your QUIRKS! And now I am imagining Lawgirl's never-ending, always-growing mountain of fortunes from cookies in her house!!! LOL